Spis najważniejszych norm dla GD&T i GPS

Spis najważniejszych norm dla GD&T i GPS

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Standard według ASME
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

ASME Y14.5M-2018 - Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ASME Y14.43-2011 - Dimensioning and Tolerancing Principles for Gages and Fixtures

Geometrical Product Specification
Standard według ISO
(International Organization for Standardization)

ISO 8015:2011 - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Fundamentals -- Concepts, principles and rules
ISO 1101:2017 - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Geometrical tolerancing -- Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out
ISO 5458:2018 - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Geometrical tolerancing -- Pattern and combined geometrical specification
ISO 5459:2011 - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Geometrical tolerancing -- Datums and datum systems
ISO 14405-1:2016 -  Geometrical product specifications (GPS)  -- Dimensional tolerancing - part 1: linear dimensions
ISO 14405-2:2018  - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Dimensional tolerancing - part 2: dimensions other than linear sizes
ISO 1660:2017 -  Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Geometrical tolerancing -- Profile tolerancing
ISO 2692:2014 - Form and position tolerancing, maximum material requirement
ISO 129-1:2019 - Technical product documentation - Presentation of dimensions and tolerances - Part1: General principles
ISO 22081:2021 - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Geometrical tolerancing — General geometrical specifications and general size specifications
ISO 21920-1:2021 - Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Profile — Part 1: Indication of surface texture

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